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Skillko learning management system.

Discover the ultimate solution for coordinating both internal and external training. Manage your training processes and costs effortlessly, ensuring compliance and enhancing workforce competencies with a few clicks.

Trusted by 220,000 users across leading companies

Navigate the complexity of training management with ease.

Coordinating training across an organisation often brings a heavy administrative load, from managing schedules to ensuring compliance. The complexity increases with the need to handle multiple providers and constantly changing regulations, which can shift focus from core business goals.

Skillko understands these challenges. Our learning management system simplifies training management, reducing manual tasks and boosting efficiency. Let us help you empower your workforce and foster a culture of continuous improvement.


“Could we get a quote in here from Fastway? Ideally it would be good to get a headshot and position of someone high up in Fastway, but this will work fine without the headshot too (I'll just delete it).”


Person's Name
Person's Title - Fastway

How our learning management system simplifies resource training, enhances compliance, and offers insights into your programs and costs.

Skillko is tailored for the unique needs of data centre construction, offering a unified platform to automate onboarding and inductions, simplify training management, and control site access through integrations with turnstile systems and mobile apps.

Automate and streamline internal training.

Schedule any internal training, whether it’s classroom-based, online or eLearning. Skillko automates notifications and certificate generation, seamlessly integrating into your digital training matrix.

Coordinate, manage, and capture all associated costs effectively, making it simpler than ever to maintain and enhance internal training programmes.

100% of administration removed for completion of a training course.


Toolbox talks and company briefings.

Create and distribute custom toolbox talks and briefings tailored specifically to your business needs. Skillko can host and distribute your existing/future content (SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, custom content) and automatically update compliance.

Send automated notifications and add digital sign-off and photo verification to further enhance compliance.

Completely remove manual notifications, which are sent automatically on booking, and reminders are sent for scheduled courses.

LearnHub training distribution and management.

Leverage Skillko’s LearnHub to access a vast library of accredited eLearning content, easily distributable to your staff.

Courses completed via the Skillko mobile app are automatically added to your staff training matrix.

Gain real-time insights with comprehensive reporting on training methods and expenditures. 


Connect with a dynamic network of training providers.

Skillko’s Marketplace revolutionises how businesses and training providers collaborate. With over 300 trainers and a focus on secure, efficient transactions, companies can schedule and manage training effortlessly.

Automatic updates to certificates and streamlined payments enhance the process, removing the complexity of managing multiple providers. Explore how this enclosed ecosystem not only supports compliance but also drives substantial value through efficient resource management..

Explore how this enclosed ecosystem not only supports compliance but also drives substantial value through efficient resource management.


Data consistency and efficiency.

By storing user information in a profile, Skillko eliminates the need for users to repeatedly enter the same information when completing onboarding for multiple projects.

Improve productivity and compliance with our Resource Training and Compliance platform.


Achieve efficiencies

of 90% in compliance management processes.


Enhance onboarding

of contractors and qualification verification by 80%.


Improve training

completion rates by 75%, ensuring a skilled and compliant workforce.


“Could we get a quote in here from Corduff Travel? Ideally, it would be good to get a headshot and position of someone high up in Corduff Travel, but this will work fine without the headshot too (I'll just delete it).”


Person's Name
Person's Title - Corduff Travel


Optimise your workforce training

Create custom content, book internal and external training, and gain full visibility of your workforce's training spend, all from one place.

Meet the amazing team behind our company

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John Carter

CEO & Founder

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Matt Hills

VP of Product

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Sophie Moore

VP of Marketing

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Sarah Jones

VP of Support

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San Francisco, CA

298 Cumberland St
San Francisco, CA 94103

phone-1  (415) 203 - 7468


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New York, NY

3 Springfield Road Mill Lane,
London Plymouth

phone-1  (078) 562 - 3705


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Toronto, ON

9900 Bridge Avenue St.
Pembroke Toronto, LB A5A

phone-1  (613) 555 - 0195


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Senior Backend Developer

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VP of Marketing & Sales

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