E-Learning is here! HSI Skillko has a portfolio of 5000 eLearning courses from EHS, HR, Professional & Industrial Skills
From knowing what training is expiring, to identifying skills gaps with Skillko, and now we bring you the ability to train, retrain and upskill staff with the largest eLearning portfolio for EHS, HR, Professional & Industrial Skills on a single platform... Welcome to HSI Skillko.
Online training meets your employees where they are.
It’s safer, smarter, and more efficient. HSI Skillko has online training for every level of worker. Supplement your in-person training with toolbox talks, refreshers, and yearly compliance training. Our library includes online courses for safety, technical & craft skills, soft-skills, emergency care, and more.
Online training is, on average, 1/3 the cost of in-person training, making it cost effective and easily accessed by your employees, wherever they are.
Track all courses in the HSI Skillko system to maintain and report on training for compliance.

Over 5,000 Courses are available in the HSI library!
We’re proud to offer a vast library of over 5,000 mobile-responsive training courses in the areas of:
- Safety & Compliance
- Industrial Skills & Technical Training
- HR Compliance
- Mental Health & Wellbeing
- Harassment & Diversity
- First Aid & Emergency Response
- Leadership, Communication & Soft Skills
- And much more
Mix and match courses to tailor training to your company and your employees' needs.

Example Training Courses:
- Slips, Trips, and Falls
- Confined Spaces
- Safety Data Sheets
- Gas Monitoring Basics
- Carbon Dioxide for Employees
- Lockout/Tagout Safety Program
- Hand Safety
- Personal Protective
- Equipment Fundamentals
- Driver Safety Overview
- Behaviour-Based Safety Overview
- Incident Investigation
- Safety Audits
- Safety Culture for Employees
- Avoiding and Reporting Bribery
- Diversifying Your Leadership Team
- Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace Overview
- Cybersecurity for Remote and Hybrid Workers
- Cybersecurity: Protecting Your PC: Daily Precautions
- Avoiding Phone and Text Scams
- Empowering Leaders with Cybersecurity Training Essentials
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- Phishing: 01. Types of Phishing
- Phishing: 02. How To Avoid Phishing Attacks
- Phishing: 03. Email Phishing
- Secure Web Browsing on a Work Device
- Using Strong Passwords
- Your Role in Cybersecurity
- Reducing Employee Turnover
- The Cost of Employee Turnover
- Why Are Our Best People Leaving?
Everything you need to manage and train
employees and contractors
in a single platform.
Created by Experts
All training is created and reviewed by experts in the field.
Saves Time
Our training is available wherever, and whenever your employees are.
Training Consistency
Ensures all employees are trained, and trained the same way.

“Could we get a quote in here from Fastway? Ideally it would be good to get a headshot and position of someone high up in Fastway, but this will work fine without the headshot too (I'll just delete it).”

Person's Name
Person's Title - Fastway

Our online workplace health and safety compliance training features:
Interactive design: courses are designed using 3D animation so learners experience safety situations firsthand
Story-driven learning: learners follow along with an employee as they learn the concepts, making content more memorable
High level of interactivity: practice exercises, immersive experiences, and overall course design create a more interesting experience
Expertise: instructional designers work with subject matter experts to ensure content is aligned with current best practices and regulations
Industrial Skills training
Skilled workers are retiring faster than the next generation’s ability to fill those roles.
Whether you require system operators, qualified electric workers, maintenance workers, or other experienced individuals, getting and keeping them trained is critical to keeping your systems moving forward.
Our Industrial Skills solutions prepare employees quickly and effectively, providing a single training source for industries relying on general process facilities.
Our course development includes SMEs, instructional designers, and 3D animators with technical knowledge and experience.

Data consistency and efficiency.
By storing user information in a profile, Skillko eliminates the need for users to repeatedly enter the same information when completing onboarding for multiple projects.

“Could we get a quote in here from Corduff Travel? Ideally, it would be good to get a headshot and position of someone high up in Corduff Travel, but this will work fine without the headshot too (I'll just delete it).”

Person's Name
Person's Title - Corduff Travel
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